Plan Your Visit

We're so glad you decided to visit CityLine!

What’s the Sunday schedule? 

CityLine gathers every Sunday for identical services at 9 and 11:15 a.m. CityLine Español, our Spanish-speaking service, meets at 2 p.m.  


How do I get there? 

Our building is located at 7333 N Caldwell Ave in Niles, IL.  


Where should I park? 

We have designated guest parking, so when you arrive follow the guest parking signs and let our parking team know you are our guest, and they will direct you to your spot. Please use these; they are for YOU!  


Where do I go? 

When you arrive, you will enter our main lobby. Be sure to stop by our Visitor Welcome Center. We have a gift for you as a thank-you for joining us! We would also love the opportunity to show you around the campus, answer any questions you have, help you check in your kids, and serve you and your family in a way that meets your needs. We’re here to serve you, and we are so glad to have you as our guest at CityLine!  


What should I wear? 

CityLine has a “come as you are” atmosphere. You will see some dressed up, some dressed casually. We have no expectations for attire.  


Where do my kids go? 

CityLine is a church that’s built around the family, and we have special activities for both children and students. Of course, you’re welcome to bring your kids to worship with you–but they’ll probably enjoy our age-level ministries much more! 

All children fifth-grade and younger will check-in with a secure sticker system. The check-in process is quick and easy, and you’re given a secure code to ensure that only you can pick them up. In addition, all teachers and caregivers undergo a thorough background check before they’re allowed to serve with children. Your kids are safe at CityLine!   


What is a Sunday service like? 

Our Sunday services offer powerful live worship and Biblical teaching that is relevant to everyday life. Take a look through our previous messages to get a feel for what a service is like. Each service lasts about 90 minutes.