CityLine Kids — January 2023 (Nursery)

CityLine Bible Church   -  

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Memory Verse

“Everyone who heard him was amazed.”

Luke 2:47, NIV

Engage in everyday moments together

Morning Time

When you go into your baby’s room, pick them up and say: “Good morning, [baby’s name]! Jesus has given us a new day! Jesus is amazing!”

Feeding Time

While feeding your baby, thank God for sending Jesus to be your friend forever.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your baby and pray: “God, thank You for Jesus. He truly is amazing. Help me share with [baby’s name] just how amazing He is.”

Bath Time

As you give your baby a bath, sing the following words to the tune of “The More We Get Together:” “Jesus is amazing, amazing, amazing. Jesus is amazing, and Jesus loves you.”