CityLine Women — Volume 19

CityLine Bible Church   -  

Hold Fast

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and paused because another friend that I went to Bible college with has chosen to walk away from Jesus.

Another one.

I feel like recently I’ve been looking around and noticing there are fewer people standing next to me holding onto their faith.

And I’m not really sure why that is. Maybe they didn’t have the right idea about what a life committed to Jesus really looked like. Maybe life just really hit them hard and they chose to find solace in temporal solutions. Whatever the reason, my heart breaks for them.

In my 20s, my problems seemed to revolve around turning papers in for college and dating the right guys.

But in my 30s, life got serious. Real-world problems hit with a vengeance, bodies broke and needed surgery, parents were diagnosed with cancer, and addictions and affairs began to break apart the once fairy-tale marriages.

This life can be brutal, and if we dig into Revelation we find the remnant of believers in the church in Thyatira (chapter 2:18) experiencing the same feeling of isolation. More of their community was drawn into false teaching and temporary fixes.

But, in Revelation 2:25, we receive this charge: “Hold on to what you have until I come.”

Jesus is asking us to hold on for a bit longer because we know how the story ends. He is asking them to hold on and endure because we know how the story ends. This life isn’t all we have. We must keep that in mind and know there will be a day when every struggle will be gone, every fear will be vanquished, and every tear will be wiped away.

And, until then, we endure. By far, the greatest thing that I’ve had to endure is going through labor for each of my three babies. It’s something that I couldn’t tap out of. There was never a point where I could look at my husband and say, “OK, I’m overwhelmed, this hurts, I’m not sure I can do this, I’m tapping out. YOU take over.” There is almost nothing like labor in life. Most things we encounter, we can tap out, find a substitute, avoid the issue, procrastinate or just simply quit. With all three kids, I remember a point where giving birth started to get hard. It was hard to move, hard to talk. I didn’t feel the beauty of it. It became LABOR. You just have to walk through it. You just have to endure.

I believe Jesus is asking us to endure. He is asking us to hold on because we know how the story ends. Enduring looks different for each of us depending where we are at in our journey. If we look at all we have to overcome in our lives, it seems insurmountable. It’s like looking up at Mount Everest and wondering how you ever can get to the top. But if we break it down and just take a step, just endure for 10 more minutes, or just take in a breath, we can do it.

What is God asking you to endure right now?

Is he asking you to fight for something? Is he asking you to stay in the room when all you want to do is run? Or does enduring just look like drawing breath and using that to cry out to Him?

So we ask our Father to give us strength, beginning with one step at a time. Strength to hang in there. Strength to endure.

With His help, we do. We hold fast, because we know how this story ends.

View the full teaching on “Hold Fast Because We Know How the Story Ends.” 



In our time with you this week we ask that we would dig into your word. Would you reveal to us what you need us to endure. We thank you that, in the end, you will overcome. You will wipe away every tear and you will redeem this world. But, until that time, give us the strength to endure, the strength to take one step, hang in there for 10 more minutes or just to take a breath.

In Jesus’ name,



Bethany Hammond

About the Writer

I grew up in Japan as a missionary kid, attended Moody Bible Institute, and met the love of my life, Job Hammond, on a mission trip. I have three crazy kids, and work as a full-time missionary leading trips to Nepal, Ireland, and Morocco. I like Target, working out to loud music, and Harry Potter. I love everything to do with the British Royal Family, a good campfire, and my kiddos and people say I’m not afraid of mud.

Serving Opportunities

As CityLine Women, it’s important to us not only to grow personally in our walks with God, but also to be the hands and feet of Jesus outside of our local, church community. Here are three serving opportunities you can take advantage of:

  1. AWANA is a volunteer-run program for children starting at age 3 all the way up through 5th grade. Club meets at 6:30-8 p.m. on Wednesdays and is made possible by dedicated and faithful leaders like you! This is a perfect opportunity to serve families within CityLine and the surrounding community.
  2. Rose of Sharon
  3. SPA Women’s Ministry Homes

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Frances Jimenez.

Community Groups

Join a Women’s Community Group today and be part of Bible study, fellowship, accountability, and fun!

Ministry Needs

If you have the heart to serve women and are interested in joining our women’s ministry events/hospitality team, we would love to connect with you.

If you have a gift in the fine arts (painting, spoken word, dance, writing, etc.), we would love to hear from you.